Venue: Žofín Academy
Event type: Examinations and didactic events
Date: 04/07/1850 8am
Season: Summer
Prager Zeitung and Bohemia 2/7/1850 published similar news reports that the public examinations of the Žofín Academy would take place next Thursday (4th July) at 8 am at the Academy. The programme would comprise ‘1. Theory of music. 2. Singing exercises performed by pupils of the 1st [lower] class.’ These were followed by a programme of vocal works, which are listed in the database programme record in the order given by the sources. The last of these compositions was specified as ‘Zigeunerchor’, and was almost certainly the third of the set of Gedichte, op.29. No further information about the event was given by this report.
The Tagesanzeiger texts of Bohemia 2/7/1850 and 4/7/1850 included listings for this event, noting its date, time and venue.
A brief, unsigned, review of this event appeared in Prager Zeitung 7/7/1850. The correspondent reported with pleasure that the examinations, given under the direction of the director of the Academy Mayr [J.N. Maýr] and the professor Mr Kauble, exceeded his expections and completely satisfied the numerous audience. Particularly well received was the song Weine nicht, the fugue In saecula and the chorus by Jelen. Finally the text noted that both Maýr and Kauble were praised for their ‘meticulous and circumspect’ direction.