Venue: Garden of Mr Bachhaibl
Event type: Popular social musical and dance events
Date: 06/06/1850 pm
Season: Summer
Bohemia 4/6/1850 published a notice of this event, posted to members by the directorate of the Deutsche Casino. This invited all members and their families to a ‘Liedertafel-Produktion’ that would be given in the garden of Mr Bachhaibl as part of preparations for a forthcoming Singer-excursion [Sängerfahrt]. The notice related that the directorship had arranged seating and hospitality [presumably food and drink] through the services of a nearby [unspecified] innkeeper. Members were therefore asked to obtain admission tickets as soon as possible from the custodian of the society. Finally, the notice stated that if the weather was unfavourable the event would take place on the next day.
A post-event report, signed ‘ŋ’, was published by Bohemia 9/6/1850. This related that the event took place on the evening of 6th June, owing to heavy rain on the previous day. Attending were well over 300 people, many of whom were from outside Prague. The ‘comfortable and roomy’ venue, provided ‘with great kindness’ for the occasion by Mr Bachhaibl, was noted to have contributed to the cheerfulness of the occasion. Although initially the singers were noted to have had difficulty with their performance, and had not at once ‘achieved the desired effect’, their performance was considered to have been successful. In an obvious reflection of the amateur and enthusiatic social character of this event, the correspondent then mused that life was of little worth if it did not cherish both art and sociability, a combination evident in the Liedertafel activities of the Deutsche Casino. Finally, the text noted that only the evening chill had prevented the gathering from continuing much past 11pm. Barring Tauwitz’s Abendlied, which provided a final ‘Amen’, no details of the programme and works performed was related by the source.