Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Beseda musical and declamatory entertainment

Venue: Konvikt

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 09/04/1850

Beneficiary: poor trainee lecturers

Programme including:

unspecified songs
UNSPECIFIED, ? : unspecified works, wind
     • Prague Civil Infantry Corps:
UNSPECIFIED, ? : 2 unspecified German songs, v, [pf?]
     • Řepka, E. : v
UNSPECIFIED, ? : unspecified choruses, [male vv]


A report of this event, signed ‘ Δ ’, was published by Bohemia 11/4/1850. This text related that on the evening of the day before yesterday there took place in the Kovikt Hall an exceedingly numerously attended Beseda, from which the ‘very plentiful profit’ was allocated to destitute trainee teachers [Lehramtskandidaten]. No specific details of the works performed were given; the correspondent related only that ‘a diverse collection of ‘Solo song, declamation, quartet, harmoniemusik and sociable choral song’ was performed. However, the text continued, noting that ‘the song parts had been arranged by Mr Horák; the musical band was of the the Civil Infantry [Regiment]. Miss Řepka gave two Lieder really fearlessly and with much applause. A Lady declaimed a poem composed by herself. The Hall was decorated with Bohemian lion crests and numerous Austrian, Bohemian, Moravian and Croatian flags.’ The genial entertainment continued well into the night. No further details of the programme of the Beseda were given by other sources.

Bohemia 14/4/1850 published news, signed
Δ ’, of the success of this Beseda, reporting that ‘The newly arranged Beseda in the Konvikt Hall was given, as is generally known, for the benefit of poor Czech teaching candidates [Lehramtskandidaten], and obtained a profit of 229fl 34kr.’ The correspondent reported reading in Večerní list that the sum would help provide a ‘really practical Czech reading book, Amerling’s Lučba (Chemie).’

Summary of sources:

Bohemia (11/04/1850)
Bohemia (14/04/1850)