Venue: Deutsche Casino
Event type: Popular social musical and dance events
Date: 28/02/1850 pm
Season: Lent
This event and its venue were listed in the Tagesanzeige text of Bohemia 28/2/1850.
Bohemia 3/3/1850 published a report, signed ‘h’, relating that ‘On Thursday evening there took place in the German Casino [im deutschen Kasino] a production of Liedertafel, which resulted in the attendance of a considerably greater circle of members than usual.’ This more substantial attendance was attributed to the ‘indefatiguable work of Mr Tauwitz, who in the course of time has built up an able choir.’ The report concluded with a note that this Liedertafel would happily provide entertainment for garden social gatherings during the summer. No further details of this event or its programme were given.