Venue: Konvikt
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 11/03/1860 12noon
Season: Lent
Prager Morgenpost 9/3/1860 published news that ‘Sunday 11th of this month Professor Goltermann gives a concert in the Konvikt Hall, in which amongst other concertante pieces Mendelssohn’s Sonata for piano and ’cello will be performed.’ Information also appeared in Dalibor 10/3/1860, which noted the date of the event, the performance by Goltermann of a Mendelssohn Sonata for ’cello and piano with the pianist being Mr Fischer, followed by concert pieces for ’cello by Kummer and Servais. The concert was also to include Mr Eilers singing a Romanza Il sogno by Mercadante and Schubert’s Trockene Blumen. Information about the venue and time of this concert appeared in the Tageskalender of Bohemia 11/3/1860.
Reviews of the concert appeared in each of the Prague German-language daily newspapers except for Bohemia. An unsigned review was published by Dalibor 20/3/1860. In common with each of the German texts this enthused about Goltermann’s playing. ‘The concert-giver proved himself in the Sonata by Mendelssohn to be an astute interpreter of classical music, and with his beautiful, sympathetic tone had a great effect upon the distinguished rather than numerous audience. In the composition on Scandinavian folksongs by Kummer (in manuscript) and in the fantasy on themes from „Marie dcera pluku“ by Servais Mr Goltermann displayed all the artistry of his well-known technique, giving with unusual virtuosity and bravura these musical illustrations in such a clear light that the audience was spellbound.’ Particularly impressive was considered to be his command of flageolet, but passages in 3rds and 6ths the critic deemed were less crystal clear that was always encountered in the playing of Servais. ‘For the excellent performance of all these pieces J. Goltermann was many times noisily [curtain-]called.’ The intended performance by Albert Eilers of the song Trockne Blumen from Schubert’s Die schöne Müllerin, and of Mercadante’s Romanza Il sogno di Torquato had to be cancelled because, the Dalibor critic related, the singer was ill. Instead K. Fischer performed from memory an unspecified Nocturne by John Field, ‘and firmly convinced us, that he can be counted among our excellent virtuosi.’
Of the various published reports and reviews of this concert Der Tagesbote 12/3/1860 alone noted that the two pieces by Kummer and Servais were accompanied by an orchestral part arranged for string quartet (led by Antonín Bennewitz) comprising members of the Estates Theatre orchestra.
The programme is reproduced in the database record is not necessarily in performance order, being collated from information contained in the Dalibor 20/3/1860 review and from other specified sources.