Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Veni sancte, church service given to mark the start of a new year of activities by the Prague Conservatory

Venue: St Giles's Church [Kostel svatého Jiljí]

Event type: Church music events

Date: 29/10/1859 10am

Programme comprising:

General participants:
  • Prague Conservatory: pupil(s) of institute, chorus, orch
  • KITTL, Jan Bedřich: director of institute, conductor
SEYFRIED, Ignaz Xaver, Ritter von : unspecified Veni Sancte
VOGLER, Georg Joseph [Abbé] : unspecified Mass, mix vv chorus, orch
     • Blažková, Věkoslava Aloisie : S Bubnová, Otilie : A Burian, ? : T Führer, Otto : B
CHERUBINI, Luigi : unspecified graduale, vv, [orch?]
EYBLER, Joseph von : unspecified offertorium


New of the imminent performance of a Veni Sancte by the Prague Conservatory appeared in Dalibor 20/10/1859 and in Prager Morgenpost 27/10/1859. The latter noted the date, time and venue of the event and the works to be performed.

Noting that the Conservatory was about to give a mass by Vogler, the report published by Dalibor 20/10/1859 criticized the institute for its choosing for performance a work by this German composer: ‘We cannot understand why this important institute does not perform works of native composers, such as [F.X.] Brixi, Tůma, Vitásek etc; or perhaps they do not know about these composers?’. The subsequent review by Dalibor 1/11/1859 remarked that ‘the performance of all works was without fault; especially distinguished was the Benedictus (solo quartet), that Miss Aloisie Blažková (soprano), Miss O. Bubnová (alto), Mr Burian (tenor) and Mr [O.] Führer (bass) very prettily performed. Of all the voices, exceptional was the very beautifully rounded, strong and reverberant voice of Miss Blažková, who can certainly expect a magnificent future.’ However, further criticism was aimed at the Conservatory, and more specifically at its director, J.F. Kittl, for giving a mass by Vogler when there are ‘more excellent works of native composers at his disposal.’ While acknowledging that Vogler’s mass contained some ‘clever working’, the Dalibor critic objected to the ‘stinking worldly ideas’ inherent in many sections of the composition. The orchestra comprised pupils of the Conservatory.

Summary of sources:

Dalibor, hudební časopis s měsíční notovou přílohou (20/10/1859)
Prager Morgenpost (27/10/1859)
Dalibor, hudební časopis s měsíční notovou přílohou (01/11/1859)