Venue: Pštroska Summer Theatre
Event type: Art music culture
Date: 29/05/1857
Season: Summer
Tyrolese Singer Brothers Meister
The Tyrolese Singers performed three times in the Pstross [Pštroska] Summer Theatre, on 28/5/1857, 29/5/1857 and 1/6/1857. An account published after the first two of these performances, signed ‘h.’, appeared in Tagesbote aus Böhmen 30/5/1857. The corrsepondent reported: ‘In the Summer Theatre [Sommertheater – the name of the venue was printed in a bold typeface] the day before yesterday and yesterday a Society of Tyrol Folksingers [Gesellschaft von Tyroler Natursängern] gave a production. The singers formed a sextet with pleasant higher and very powerful lower voices very precise in both timing and in nuance (especially in a particularly tender, echo-like pianissimo). Their repertoire comprised solo and ensemble pieces for voices, in praiseworthy manner eschewing the trivial that is mostly inseparable from such phenomena, and very skilful zither performances. Of the solo pieces found most favour Moser’s beautiful poem Andreas Hofer in strophic folk-melody with refrain, performed by the leader ([who was] decorated with two medals) of the Society with his very powerful bass and with great patriotic ardour.’