Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Concert given by J. [Johann II] Strauss

Venue: New Town Theatre [Novoměstské divadlo]

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 10/10/1863

Strauss,Johann Baptist

Programme unspecified:

General participants:
  • STRAUSS, Johann Baptist: director of ensemble
  • Provisional Theatre orchestra: participating orchestra


News of the imminent arrival in Prague of Strauß (titled ‘J. Strauss’ and undoubtedly Johann II) was published by Prager Morgenpost 8/10/1863 in a brief report signed ‘=’, noting: ‘Great Concert of J. Strauß. The Court Ball Music Director [Hofballmusikdirector] Strauß reaches Prague tomorrow, and will on the next day give his first concert in the New Town Theatre.’ The choice of the outdoor venue was almost certainly occasioned by the fact that Strauß’s then world-renowned orchestra would attract an enormous attendance. Strauß’s titling by the source as Hofballmusikdirector reflected his appointment to this position earlier in 1863. Evidently the news of the concert was false. Strauß had obviously not reached Prague by 13/10/1863 as the issue of the German-language newspaper Bohemia noted: ‘The Royal Court Ball Music Director Strauss from Vienna will bring for performance at the concert in the New Town Theatre a number from an here-unknown Russian opera.’

The assiduous reporting of this concert provided an indication of the excited anticipation which the visit of the then world-renowned Strauß occasioned in the city. On 16/10/1863 Prager Morgenpost reported the disappointing news that ‘Mr Court Ball Music Director Strauß will not give a concert in Prague, because no band can be mustered here that is capable of playing his works.’ The report was evidently alarmist – and hardly true given that aside from the orchestras of the Conservatory and the German Estates Theatre – the city also had the orchestra of the Czech Provisional Theatre formed from the players of Karel Komzák’s own salon orchestra (which undoubtedly included works by Strauß in its repertoire). A day later on 17/10/1863 Prager Morgenpost reported that despite fears he would not be able to give a concert in Prague, due to the difficulties in assembling an orchestra, an arrangement had been reached to utilise the orchestras of the Czech Theatre and that of the New Town Theatre [Neustädter Theatreorchester – which would have comprised the forces of the German Estates Theatre], and that a concert would be given under Strauß’s direction on Monday in the New Town Theatre.’

Summary of sources:

Prager Morgenpost (08/10/1863)
Bohemia (13/10/1863)
Prager Morgenpost (16/10/1863)
Prager Morgenpost (17/10/1863)