Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Festival celebration for the Saints Day of Markéta

Venue: Hvězda (Summer house)

Parent Event:
Dance entertainment with music given by ensemble of the Infantry Regiment of Baron Alemann

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 16/07/1854

Season: Summer

Programme unspecified:


The supplement 39 to the Czech arts periodical Lumír 18/7/1854 described the festival for the saints day of Markéta taking place at Hvězda. According to the correspondent the ‘Folk festival of Markéta in Hvězda the day before yesterday was very numerously attended.’ The crowd began gathering in the morning to spend the whole of the day there. The afternoon was ‘very lively and noisy. Under the broad sky among the trees they danced and feasted. Harps, barrel organs, violins - made up the orchestras, around which the high-spirited youthful society whirled and leapt. There was much to be wondered at... More numerous than usual this year were marionette theatres in which various comedies were performed, as well as ballets, to both laughter and tears.’ In the evening a long procession of people passed from Hvězda to the Strahov Gate, testifying to the largw number of Prague inhabitants present.

No further details were given by this source.

Summary of sources:

Lumír (18/07/1854)