Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Total matches: 204

Title Venue Date
First 'Musical and humorous little Garland [Hudební a humoristický věneček]' arranged by Em. Meliš Konvikt 16-02-1861
First 'Humoristický věneček [Humorous little garland]' arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Konvikt 20-02-1861
Second 'Humoristický věneček [Humorous little garland]' arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Konvikt 27-02-1861
Benefit concert in aid of the Academic Reading Society Žofín Island 06-03-1861
Third 'Humoristický věneček [Humorous little garland]' arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Konvikt 06-03-1861
Musical-declamatory benefit beseda for celebration of the day of Saints Cyril and Methodius Konvikt 10-03-1861
Fourth 'Humoristický věneček [Humorous little garland]' arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Konvikt 13-03-1861
First annual Žofín Academy concert Žofín Island 22-03-1861
National beseda [Národní beseda] celebrating the inauguration of the new National Assembly Žofín Island 08-04-1861
Fourth annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 26-04-1861
Subscription benefit concert given in aid of fire victims in Trutnov and Roudnice New Town Theatre [Novoměstské divadlo] 09-06-1861
First musical and declamatory beseda arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Střelecký ostrov 12-06-1861
Second musical and declamatory beseda arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Střelecký ostrov 20-06-1861
Third musical and declamatory beseda arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Střelecký ostrov 26-06-1861
Entertainment to celebrate the presence in Prague of Slavic respresentatives attending the funeral of P.J. Šafařík Civic Society [Měšťanská beseda / Bürger-Ressource] 29-06-1861
Farewell beseda given to mark the departure of Fr. Palacký, F.L. Rieger and V. Zelený to the Imperial Congress in Vienna Civic Society [Měšťanská beseda / Bürger-Ressource] 30-06-1861
Fourth and final musical and declamatory beseda arranged by Heřmann Přerhof Střelecký ostrov 03-07-1861
Liedertafel given by the [Prague] Men's Singing Society [Männergesangverein] Žofín Island 03-07-1861
Annual music examinations for pupils of the Prague Private Institute for the Education and Well-being of Poor Blind Children Seminary Institute for the Blind 23-07-1861
Declamatory and dance benefit beseda in aid of the family of the late Josef Kajetán Tyl Střelecký ostrov 24-07-1861