Total matches: 67
Title | Venue | Date |
Second dance entertainment of Sokol | Žofín Island | 01-02-1863 |
Annual Czech Law Students' Ball [Juristenball] | Žofín Island | 03-02-1863 |
National beseda given in aid of the Prague Industrial Museum | Žofín Island | 09-02-1863 |
Concert given given by violinist Pagošev in the Czech Provisional Theatre | Provisional Theatre [Prozatímní divadlo] | 02-03-1863 |
Garden concert [Garten-Concert] with music given by ensemble of Royal Infantry Regiment of King Wilhelm I of Prussia, given as part of a folk show [Volks-Schau] and balloon ascent | Rohanský ostrov | 13-09-1863 |
First concert of Hungarian folk ensemble of the brothers Farkas | Střelecký ostrov | 10-10-1863 |
Performance given by Farkas's Folkmusic Ensemble | At the Blue Star Inn | 15-10-1863 |