Veni Sancte service given to mark installation of Rector of Prague University |
Church of Our Lady before Týn [Panny Marie před Týnem] |
16-10-1850 |
Society Ball |
Žofín Island |
15-01-1851 |
Religious service to celebrate the installation of the Rector magnificus of Prague University |
Church of Our Lady before Týn [Panny Marie před Týnem] |
02-10-1854 |
Ball given by the Governor Baron von Mecséry |
Residence of Baron Mecséry |
22-02-1857 |
Religious service given for pupils of Prague University |
St Clement's [Catholic] Church [Kostel svatého Klimenta] |
04-03-1857 |
Benefit concert in aid of free meals for poor Prague law students |
Žofín Island |
19-03-1857 |
Celebration of Mass for the birthday of Emperor Ferdinand |
Cathedral church of St Vitus [sv Vít] |
19-04-1857 |
Celebration of Mass to give thanks for the successful eye operation of Professor Smetana |
St James's Church [Kostel svatého Jakuba] |
06-05-1857 |
Religious service for students |
St Clement's [Catholic] Church [Kostel svatého Klimenta] |
07-06-1857 |
Requiem service for the late Professor Jandera |
Church of Our Lady before Týn [Panny Marie před Týnem] |
06-08-1857 |
Religious service to celebrate the appointment of the new Rector of the Prague High School, Professor Jakeš |
Church of Our Lady before Týn [Panny Marie před Týnem] |
09-10-1858 |
Musical trial for the forthcoming annual Law Students' Ball [Juristenball] |
Žofín Island |
09-01-1859 |
Annual Law Students' Ball [Juristenball] |
Žofín Island |
09-02-1859 |
Funeral of V.K. Klicpera |
Olšany Cemeteries [Olšanské hřbitovy] |
18-09-1859 |
Memorial service for the Czech writer Josef Jungmann |
St Clement's [Catholic] Church [Kostel svatého Klimenta] |
16-11-1859 |
Memorial service (Requiem mass) for the poet Hynek Mácha |
Church of Our Lady before Týn [Panny Marie před Týnem] |
15-11-1860 |
Musical trial for the forthcoming benefit ball in aid of poor medical students [of Prague University] |
Žofín Island |
20-01-1861 |
Benefit concert in aid of free meals for poor Prague law students |
Žofín Island |
03-03-1861 |
Musical rehearsal for the forthcoming annual Czech Law Students' Ball [Juristen-Ball] |
Žofín Island |
16-02-1862 |
Annual Law Students' Ball [Juristenball] |
Žofín Island |
24-02-1862 |