Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Total matches: 63

Title Venue Date
Society of Musical Artists [Jednota hudebních umělců / Tonkünstler-Gesellschaft] benefit concert in aid of the Prague Institute for the Widows and Orphans of Musical Artists Žofín Island 04-04-1850
Torchlit procession accompanied by military music ensembles in celebration of the birthday of the Emperor Ferdinand Prague Castle 19-04-1850
Benefit concert given by J. Schulhoff in aid of the poor of Prague Platýz 09-05-1850
'Austria-Fest', musical entertainment given by multiple military music ensembles Zdekauer's Garden 15-07-1850
Concert given as part of projected 'Music festival' [Musikfest] by the Patriotic Music Society Žofín Island 20-07-1850
Benefit [musical-]festival arranged by Mr Hraba in aid of fire victims in Chrudim Hraba's Restaurant 12-08-1850
Second and final Summer assembly [Sommer-Assemblé] Hraba's Restaurant 09-09-1850
Fifth soirée musicale given by the Lőcze Musical Society [Loczer Musikgesellschaft] Žofín Island 09-01-1851
First Garden Concert [Gartenkoncert] and Soirée musicale given by the Military Music Society Waldstein Garden 25-06-1851
Third annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 09-03-1854
Positioning of a new weather vane on top of Old Town water tower Old Town water tower 18-03-1854
Festival to celebrate the wedding of the Emperor Franz Joseph Žofín Island 03-05-1854
Festival of homage [Huldigungsfest] entitled 'Bohemia's greetings to the Royal-couple [Bohemia's Gruß an das hohe Kaiserpaar]' to celebrate the wedding of the Emperor Franz Joseph and Elizabeth Žofín Island 26-05-1854
Musical entertainment entitled 'Great Musical Contest [großer musikalischer Wettkämpf]' Hraba's Restaurant 31-05-1854
Arrival in Prague of the Emperor Franz Joseph and the Empress Elizabeth Main State Railway Station [now Masarykovo nádraží] 03-06-1854
Musical entertainment entitled 'Svoboda's Farewell from Prague [Swoboda's Abschied von Prag]' Žofín Island 11-06-1854
Musical entertainment given by ensemble of the Royal Infantry Regiment of Archduke Albrecht Stromovka [Arboretum] 22-06-1854
Music Festival and [dance-]reunion given in the Arboretum Stromovka [Arboretum] 26-06-1854
Garden festival [Garden-Fest] arranged by Mr Bendel Hraba's Restaurant 27-06-1854
Musical entertainment [Musikfest] given on the 'Hetz-Insel [Štvanice Island]' Štvanice Island 29-06-1854