Concert given as part of Music Festival of the Patriotic Music Society [vaterländische Musikverein] |
Žofín Island |
25-05-1850 |
Performance of new polkas submitted as entries to composition competition |
Konvikt |
30-11-1850 |
Performance of new [polka-]françaises submitted as entries to composition competition |
Konvikt |
07-12-1850 |
Performance of new waltzes submitted as entries to composition competition |
Konvikt |
14-12-1850 |
Second annual Cecilia Society concert |
Žofín Island |
19-12-1850 |
Musical entertainment entitled 'Great Musical Contest [großer musikalischer Wettkämpf]' |
Hraba's Restaurant |
31-05-1854 |
Performance of prize dance compositions submitted as entries to a competition for new dance music organized by the Prague publishing house of Marco Berra |
Žofín Island |
17-12-1854 |
Final 'Musical Garland [musikalisches Kränzchen] given in the Konvikt Hall |
Konvikt |
31-12-1856 |
Public performance of dance compositions for the 1858 Prague Carneval |
Žofín Island |
22-11-1857 |
Performance of prize dance compositions submitted as entries to a competition for new dance music organized by the Prague publishing house of Ad. Cristoph and W. Kuhé |
Žofín Island |
28-11-1858 |
Performance of dance works submitted as entries into a competition for the best dance compositions, sponsored by the Prague music seller [publisher] Hoffman |
Žofín Island |
12-12-1858 |
Second annual quartet entertainment [kvartettní zábava / Quartettsoirée] |
Konvikt |
17-12-1858 |
'Surprise Friendship-league in Sounds and Music Festival' [Unewartetes Freundschafts-Bündnis in Tönen und Musik Fest'], musical entertainment given by ensemble of Infantry Regiment of Baron Wernhardt |
Konvikt |
19-12-1858 |
Festival Ball 'Something from Fortune's Treasurehouse' [Etwas aus Fortunas Schatzkammer] |
Konvikt |
16-01-1859 |
Benefit concert in aid of the Academic Readers Society |
Žofín Island |
20-03-1859 |
Concert-soirée and musical rehearsal for forthcoming annual dance entertainments [Reunionen] and Ball of the Prague Civil Sharpshooters Corps |
Žofín Island |
27-12-1859 |
Musical entertainment given by String Orchestra of the Infantry Regiment of King Wilhelm I of Prussia as part of the Sylvester Festival |
Konvikt |
31-12-1862 |