Julius Goltermann
Goltermann, Julius (1825-1876). Czech violoncellist and teacher. Professor of ’cello at the Conservatory and member of the Estates Theatre Orchestra. Goltermann was also responsible for maintaining public chamber music - string quartet - productions in Prague during the late 1850s when such musical entertainments found little popularity with the concert-going public. In 1851 the Prague press published incorrect rumours that Goltermann was leaving his position in the orchestra of the Theatre. This caused the ’cellist to publish a public denial in Bohemia 10/5/1851 in which he also announced his availability as a teacher of violoncello daily from 8am until 10am. Goltermann was evidently something of a celebrity in Prague musical circles, especially during the later 1850s. Lumír 18/3/1854 commented how there were rumours rife in the Prague press about his imminent retirement to Německý Brod (see concert on 19/3/1854). Mercy’s Anzeiger 3/1/1857 even reported that he was about to take a holiday in north Germany. Two days earlier Tagesbote aus Böhmen 1/1/1857 published news that ‘Professor Goltermann has embarked upon a vacation for Hamburg.’ Later that year Golterman toured Sweden; Tagesbote aus Böhmen 3/11/1857 reported, signed ‘-r’: ‘Professor Goltermann, sho during a vacation in the first cities of Sweden and Norway has recently given recitals with great success, has organised here for this year in company with Messrs Bennewitz, Kindl and Paulus a cycle of quartet soirées, so popular here.’