Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Benefit concert given in aid of fire victims in Trutnov, Roudnice and Nový Dvůr, arranged by the Prague artistic society Arkadia

Aufführungsort: Žofín Island (Žofín Hall)

Programmsorte: Art music culture

Datum: 19/06/1861

Spielzeit: Summer

Begünstigter: fire victims in Trutnov, Roudnice and Nový Dvůr
Wohltäter: Arkadia

Programme comprising:

KITTL, Jan Bedřich : Overture to opera Die Waldblume, orch
     • Prague Conservatory: Schmit, Alex : vl Mildner, Mořic : conductor
ŠKROUP, František Jan : unspecified 2 Czech songs, v, pf
     • Reichel, Josef : v
WEBER, Carl Maria von : Koncertstück for piano and orchestra, pf, orch, F-sharp minor, J282
     • Dreyschock, Alexander : pf
GRUND, ? : song Vor ihrem Bilde, v, pf
     • Hardtmuth, ? : v
arr. Goltermann, Julius: J.S. Bach: Prelude no.1 [C major] from Das Wohltenpierte Klavir , arr. vc
     • Goltermann, Julius : vc
AMBROS, August Wilhelm : unspecified duet, 2vv, [pf]
     • Väterová, Arnoštka : v Tvrdá, Anna : v
CHOPIN, Fryderyck Franciszek : Fantasie-Impromptu, pf, C-sharp minor, op.66
     • Dreyschock, Alexander : pf
SCHUMANN, Robert Alexander : unspecified Novellette, pf
     • Dreyschock, Alexander : pf
DREYSCHOCK, Alexander : unspecified Rhapsody, pf
     • Dreyschock, Alexander : pf


According to the unsigned Dalibor 1/7/1861 review the profit from this concert, given in aid of fire victims in Trutnov and Nový Dvůr, amounted to 1700zl. The review praised the performance of the Conservatory orchestra conducted by the institute’s Professor of violin, Mildner, in the absence owing to illness of the Conservatory’s director J.F. Kittl. Their playing was noted to have been ‘clean and vivacious, to which the string passages, assiduously studied, contributed no small part.’ However, the Dalibor critic thought the highlight of the concert was the appearance of the Czech pianist Alexander Dreyschock, who was giving his first public performance in Prague after returning from an extended concert tour of Russia. The programme is reproduced in performance order according to the Čas 17/6/1861 and Národní listy 19/6/1861 reports, and is amended with two further details from the Dalibor 1/7/1861 review. This review noted that two songs by Škroup were performed by Reichel, not a single Czech song as announced by the two earlier newspaper listings, as well as relating that the item performed by Golterman was not ‘as stated on the programme, his own composition’ but was an arrangement. Dreyschock gave an unspecified Liszt Rhapsody as an encore.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Čas (14/06/1861)
Lumír (15/06/1861)
Národní listy (15/06/1861)
Národní listy (19/06/1861)
Dalibor, hudební časopis s měsíční notovou přílohou (20/06/1861)
Dalibor, hudební časopis s měsíční notovou přílohou (01/07/1861)