Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Musical entertainment given by ensemble of the Civil Grenadiers [Corps] and by an unspecified quartet of blind musicians

Aufführungsort: Pštroska Garden

Programmsorte: Popular social musical and dance events

Datum: 16/07/1854

Spielzeit: Summer

Programme unspecified:

  • Civil Grenadiers Corps: participating ensemble
  • unspecified quartet of blind musicians: participating ensemble


The Vergnügungsanzeiger of Mercy’s Anzeiger 16/7/1854 noted: ‘Today Sunday... in the Pstross [Pštroska] Garden the ensemble of the Civil Grenadiers [Corps] and the blind-quartet [quartet of blind musicians]’. No further details were given by the source. The quartet of blind musicians, which appeared on other similar occasions during the summer of 1854, was not identified.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (16/07/1854)