Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Second musical entertainment given by the Tyrolese Singers Meister

Aufführungsort: Konvikt

Programmsorte: Popular social musical and dance events

Datum: 03/04/1851 7pm

Spielzeit: Lent

Programme unspecified [see comentary]:

  • Tyrolese Singer Brothers Meister: participating ensemble, vv, mandolin, zither
  • BAUER, Franz: soloist, mouth organ


News of this event was published in the Lokalzeitung section of Bohemia 3/4/1851, reporting that their second production would take place in the Konvikt Hall that evening at 7pm. The text went on to note that this venue was more appropriate for their production than the too large Žofín Hall where they gave their first performance, and where their singing was evidently lost in the acoustic. Finally, the report drew attention to the ‘superb’ mandolin playing one [unspecified but possibly Franz Bauer] of the members of this ensemble. Although no details of the programme were given by this source, it was most likely have included works similar to those performed in the first of the entertainments, namely alpine folksongs, hunting songs, serious and humorous vocal works, and pieces for mandolin.

The Tagesanzeiger text of Bohemia 3/4/1851 specified the date and venue of this event.

A brief review, signed ‘V.’, of this entertainment was published by Bohemia 6/4/1851. The correspondent noted that the event was only moderately attended but was very successful. The various songs performed, albeit themselves not identified, were reported as being of content ranging from the patriotic to the romantic, and were said to include works of specifically Tyrolean character. Also given in the programme was music for the ‘favourite’ public instrument the zither. The ‘great virtuosity of Mr Bauer’ on the mouth organ was rewarded with vociferous applause.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Bohemia (03/04/1851)
Bohemia (03/04/1851)
Bohemia, ein Unterhaltungsblatt (06/04/1851)