Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Concert given as entr'acte entertainment by Maria Serato

Aufführungsort: Estates Theatre

Programmsorte: Art music culture

Datum: 10/02/1851 pm (evening)

Spielzeit: Carnival

Programme comprising:

  • SERATO, Maria: soloist, vl
  • Estates Theatre orchestra: participating ensemble
arr. unspecified, ?: Romanze from unidentified opera Il Torneo , arr. vl, [orch]
ARTÔT, Alexandre Joseph Montagney : Fantasie on final aria from Donizetti's opera Lucia di Lammermoor, vl, [orch?]


A review, signed ‘V.’, of this event was published by the newspaper Bohemia 13/2/1851. The occasion, although announced as a ‘concert’ on the theatre bill, was considered by the correspondent to have been in reality only an ‘extra’ to the two plays Des Löwen Erwachen and Der Ehrgeiz in der Küche. Nevertheless the event was ‘not of trivial interest’ on account of the musical performance being given by the ten-year old Venetian Maria Serato, whose ‘admirable violin playing has caused a sensation in many cities.’ Two works were performed. The first was a Romanze, which was noted to be a good choice in that its content was less virtuosic and display-orientated than simple and lyrical. This suited the young violinist, whose playing ‘astonished ... [less from any] great tone, dashing confidence or brilliant bravura, as from an intimate and soulful cantilena.’ Similar artistry was exhibited in the second piece. Serato was ‘stormily received after both pieces’, and the theatre was noted to be ‘very full’.

No mention of this musical performance was made in the Tagesanzeiger text of Bohemia 9/2/1851 which listed the plays to be given in the Theatre on 10th February. The compositions performed were most likely accompanied by orchestra. Although this was not noted by the Bohemia review, the second concert given by Serato as an entr’acte performance on 12th February was reported as having been accompanied by the Theatre orchestra.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Bohemia, ein Unterhaltungsblatt (13/02/1851)