Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


'Beseda' dance entertainment given in aid of the Institute for Infants at Hrádek

Aufführungsort: Žofín Island (Žofín Gardens)

Programmsorte: Popular social musical and dance events

Datum: 22/05/1850 pm

Spielzeit: Summer

Begünstigter: Institute for Infants at Hrádek

Programme comprising unspecified dance music:

UNSPECIFIED, ? : unspecified dances, [orch]
     • unspecified participants:


Advance information about this event was published by Prager Zeitung 14/5/1850. This reported that on 22nd May would take place a dance entertainment [Tanzunterhaltung] on Žofín Island for the benefit of the Institute for Poor Children in Hrádek. Admission tickets would be available from: Mr Wilhelm Stastný [Vilém Šťastný], bookbinder at the ‘eisernen Thür [‘At the iron door’ - the house name]’; from the apothecary Mr Hubatka in Wenzelsplatz [Václávské náměstí]; from Mr Friedrch Stýblo in Kolowratstraße; in the bookshop of Mr Pospíšil and from Mr Möllner in the Little Quarter [Kleinseite - Malá strana]. They would cost 20kr in advance or 30kr at the door. No details of the content of the event were related.

The Tagesanzeiger text of Bohemia 21/5/1850 reported that on 22nd May in the evening in the Žofín Hall would take place a dance entertainment [Tanzunterhaltung] for the benefit of the Institute for Infants at Hrádek.

More detailed information about this dance entertainment appeared in a report published in the Lokalzeitung section of Bohemia 24/5/1850. This related that the day before yesterday [22nd May], a ‘Beseda’ [the term being printed in latin text and not in fraktur] was given on Žofín Island, the profit from which was destined for the Institute for Infants in Hrádek. The event gained ‘not a numerous attendance’ because the ‘afternoon thunderstorm and the persistant rain scared the dance-lovers away, and also diminished the receipts.’

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Prager Zeitung (14/05/1850)
Bohemia (21/05/1850)
Bohemia (24/05/1850)