Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881


Sixth musical entertainment [Soirée musicale] given by the Music Institute of J. Proksch

Aufführungsort: Music Institute of Josef Proksch

Programmsorte: Art music culture

Datum: 25/03/1850 5.30pm

Spielzeit: Lent

Programme including [see commentary]:

  • Music Institute of Josef Proksch: participating institution
arr. unspecified, ?: Mendelssohn: Overture 'Meerestille und glückliche Fahrt' , 4pf
arr. unspecified, ?: H. Berlioz: Overture 'Le Carnaval romain' , arr. 4pf
VEIT, Wenzel Heinrich : unspecified songs, v, [pf]
     • Bergauer, Louise : v
ŠKROUP, ? : unspecified songs, v, [pf]
     • Bergauer, Louise : v


Advance news of this, the sixth and last of the series of Lenten musical entertainments given by the Music Institute of Proksch, was published by Prager Zeitung 23/3/1850. The text reported the date, venue and time of the event and noted that the ‘interesting programme contains among other compositions, works by Dušek [Dussek], Weber, Mendelsohn [Mendelssohn], Taubert, Schulhoff, Thalberg, Liszt, Berlioz. Miss Bergauer sings Lieder by Veit and Skraup [Škroup].’ A day earlier than the Prager Zeitung report Bohemia 22/3/1850 published a similar text recording that ‘The “Sixth” and last “Soirée musicale” in the Music Institute of Mr J. Proksch takes place on Monday 25th March at 6pm. The interesting programme contains solo numbers by Dussek, Pixis, Taubert, Weber, Liszt, and the Overtures to “Meerestille” and “Glückliche Fahrt” [Meerestille und glückliche Fahrt] by Mendelssohn and “Karneval von Rom” by Berlioz for four pianos.’ All of the Overtures were presumably given in the specified arrangement for multiple pianos. The performance of Berlioz’s Overture was notable, demonstrating the progressive and cosmopolitan nature of these public performances by pupils of this leading Prague music institute. The arranger was unspecified. However, in entertainments given by Proksch’s Institute on other occasions, such works were often specified as being arranged by Proksch himself. The Tagesanzeiger text of Bohemia 21/3/1850 listed the date of this event as being 23/3/1850. However, confirming the information published by Prager Zeitung, the Tagesanzeiger of Bohemia 22/3/1850 did not record any event to be taking place in Proksch’s Institute on 23/3/1850. Two days later on 24/3/1850 the Tagesanzeiger of that day’s issue of Bohemia then noted the event as to be given on 25/3/1850.

Zusammenfassung der Quellen:

Bohemia (21/03/1850)
Bohemia (22/03/1850)
Prager Zeitung (23/03/1850)
Bohemia (24/03/1850)