Vyběr jazyka
Jméno: Stromovka [Arboretum]
Venue rooms (type): Garden-salon [Saale des k. ständ. Baumgartens] (Public Halls)
Royal park, open to the public, on the northern side of Prague. Venue for outdoor musical entertainments, predominantly military musical ensembles. The Arboretum possessed a hall that was open for events during the winter season. Tagesbote aus Böhmen 18/5/1857 reported that ‘The glazing of the portico to the Baumgartner Restaurationsgebäude will be finished any day now. As we previously reported, there will be held Dance Reunions [Tanzreunionen] in the said building during the summer, the arrangement of which will be taken by Mr Ignaz Link.’ This was probably the venue that was referred to in a report published by Prager Morgenpost 10/9/1863 announcing ‘The Restaurant in the Arboretum is offered for lease during the period from 1st November 1863 until the end of October 1866.’See also: