Podrobnosti o instituci / spolku
Name: Estates Theatre orchestra
Estates Theatre orchestra. Aside from the orchestra of the Prague Conservatory, the orchestra of the Estates Theatre (Königliches Ständestheater, after 1861 Königliches Landestheater), constituted the only permanent and substantial orchestral body active in Prague prior to the 1860s. Its personnel derived in the main from graduates of the Conservatory; the intimate relationship with that institution was also evinced through the use of Conservatory students in the Theatre for productions necessitating an expanded orchestra. The Estates Theatre Orchestra played an important rôle in Prague concert life, participating in the annual large-scale benefit concerts given for such bodies as the German Students’ Reading Room, the Institute for the Poor and the productions of the local Society of Musical Artists. During the 1860s the orchestra gradually became less active in Prague concert life as its importance was overtaken by the orchestra of the new Czech Theatre.
Prager Zeitung 3/10/1850 published a report of the Estates Theatre and its general activity during the past year, including a list of its major solo personnel and commenting upon the choir and orchestra. The latter, under its ‘diligent directors’ was noted to have maintained its excellent reputation.
Meliš, Emanuel A., ‘Nynější stav hudby v Čechách vůbec a v Praze zvlášť’ [The present state of music in Bohemia in general and in Prague especially], Lumír, 7 (1857), 1073 reported that the ‘Principal Prague orchestra is that of the Estates Theatre. Mozart, and in more recent times Hector Berlioz, has commented upon its excellence.’ The ensemble then (in 1857) comprised 44 members; ‘at its core are found many professors of the Conservatory and formidable virtuosi.’
Estates Theatre orchestra - Orchestr stavovského divadla / Orchestr zemského divadla / Königliches Ständestheater Orkestr / Königliches Landestheater
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