Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Název události:

Concert given by pianist ‘Vilém’ [Wilhelm] Treiber

Místo konání: Estates Theatre

Typ akce: Art music culture

Datum: 29/11/1858

Sézona: Advent

Programme comprising:

MAYER, Charles : Concerto for piano and orchestra, pf, orch, D major, op.70
     • Estates Theatre orchestra: Treiber, Wilhelm : pf
ABT, Franz Wilhelm : song Der Zufall hat es so gemacht no.2 of 2 songs [Zwei Lieder], v, [pf / orch?], op.127
     • Miková-Bennewitzová, Emilie : v Blodek, Vilém : pf
ABT, Franz Wilhelm : unspecified song, v, [pf / orch?]
     • Miková-Bennewitzová, Emilie : v Blodek, Vilém : pf


Initial news was published by Prager Zeitung 26/11/1858 that ‘A young pianist, Mr Treiber from Graz, of whom great hopes were expected has just arrived in Prague and will in the course of the next days give a concert in the Theatre [the Estates Theatre].’ Two days later, on 28/11/58, the same newspaper published a list of forthcoming productions given in the Estates Theatre and simply noted ‘on Monday takes place a concert of Mr Treiber from Graz.’

Further news that Treiber was about to give a concert in the Estates Theatre appeared in Prager Morgenpost 28/11/1858. No details of the programme were related, but the text recorded how Treiber had recently given a concert in Brünn [Brno] with great success. There he performed amongst other works ‘a wonderful sonata by Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’; the Morgenpost report noted that the Brünner Zeitung had written ‘Anyone can perform a Mendelssohn Sonata... [but having] heard this of Mr Treiber [we believe] he can consider himself to be a magnificently competent pianist.’ Morgenpost also announced that Treiber would play a Bösendorfer piano from the repository of Anton Schwardling.

A brief review of this concert was published in Prager Morgenpost 1/12/1858. This began by commenting upon the not uncommon occurrence of concerts being given in the theatre. These were considered welcome ‘when circumstances are right’, and Treiber’s appearance was regarded as one such ‘distinguished exception.’ From the two items that he performed the critic considered his playing to be refined in ‘subtle musical nuance’ but deficient in technique and therefore in execution. Certain passages, specifically those that were more precipitously demanding, were weak. However, these faults were overlooked given his songlike and delicate rendering of passages in which the piano writing was more in an accompanying vein.

The Dalibor 2/12/1858 post-concert report of this event noted only venue, the participants and the works by Mayer and Abt. The piano accompaniment in the songs by Abt was performed by Vilém Blodek. The solo vocalist Emilie Miková.

Přehled zdrojů:

Prager Zeitung (26/11/1858)
Prager Morgenpost (28/11/1858)
Prager Zeitung (28/11/1858)
Prager Morgenpost (01/12/1858)
Dalibor, hudební časopis s měsíční notovou přílohou (02/12/1858)