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Místo konání: Waldstein Palace [Valdštejnský palác] (Waldstein Garden [Valdštejnská zahrada])
Typ akce: Art music culture
Datum: 11/05/1850
Sézona: Summer
Radetzky-Stiftung [Radetzky Trust]
Bohemia 21/4/1850 published news that the music director ‘F.W. Swoboda [F.V. Svoboda] stages on 11th May in Count Waldstein’s garden a great concert in aid of the Radetzky Trust, for which our celebrated pianist Alex. Dreyschock has composed a tone-picture titled ‘Radetzky-Feier’ with chorus. Together with this [work] we also have the opportunity to hear a new piece by Mr Swoboda entitled “Die Tonreise durch Notenwelt.” The popularity of the Imperial Artillery-Regiment ensemble, and humantitarian cause to which the organizer has allied this concert, guarantees it [the occasion] a numerous audience.’
This performance did not however take place on 11/5/1850. According to news published by Bohemia 9/5/1850 a military music concert by the Imperial Artillery Regiment had been planned for 12 May in the garden of the Waldstein Palace, but had to be postponed until a later date. This may have been referring to a postponement of the performance originally due to be given on 11th May. However, neither did the event in the garden on 12/5/1850 take place. The Waldstein Hall and Garden are in close proximity within the complex of the Waldstein Palace, and another concert including the pianist Julius Schulhoff was also scheduled for 12/5/1850 in the Hall. This may have been the cause for the outdoor event not happening on 12th May, but the situation was explained by Bohemia 21/5/1850, which contained a report confirming that the cancellation had given rise to general confusion, and that the reason for the garden event not taking place on 11th May was due to the illness of the Countess Waldstein. The benefit concert for the Radetzky Trust given by Svoboda and his ensemble eventually took place in the Waldstein Garden on 26th June.