Vyběr jazyka
Místo konání: Platýz
Typ akce: Art music culture
Datum: 17/02/1850 12 noon
Sézona: Lent
This event, its date, time and venue was listed in the Tagesanzeiger texts of Bohemia 15/2/1850 and 17/2/1850.
A review, signed ‘V.’, was published by Bohemia 21/2/1850. This began by noting that the first Sunday in Lent had been rich in musical entertainments which the public might attend. They included ‘the usual well-attended colloquies of Mr J. Swoboda and his band [der ... zahlreich besuchten Konversationen des Herren J. Swoboda und seiner Kapelle]’, a matinée performance by the Czech opera of Flotow’s Martha, and the annual ‘favourite evening musical entertainments in the institutes of Proksch and Jiránek.’ Even with this choice the concert given by Miss Sulzer was ‘very numerously and splendidly attended.’ The critic observed that although the programme was not striking, the singer still gained an honourable success. More specifically, in terms of her performance, the correspondent felt that nothing could be added to the review of her previous concert [given on 1/1/1850]. There was ‘much to be commended’ in her rendition of [unspecified] songs by Schubert, but her choice of Meyerbeer’s “Mailied” and a work by Fesca was considered to be poor. Both pieces were thought to be unsuited for concert production. A duet sung with Mr Reichel was adjudged to be Miss Sulzer’s opportunity to demonstrate her learning in dramatic performance, but the work suffered from the lack of the ‘essential colour of the orchestra, which the accompaniment on the pianoforte cannot replace.’ Sulzer and Reichel were noted to have been [curtain-]called. Her most grateful performance was reported to have been of an aria from Bellini’s Beatrice di Tenda. Of the other participants, ‘the splendid violoncellist Prof. Träg excelled in the performance of his Concertino with accompaniment of string quartet.’ The ’cellist’s ‘brilliant success’ was noted to have matched that of his previous concert given during the last Advent season. The pianist Seeling performed a transcription of the Andante finale from Lucia di Lammermoor, and [the actress] Miss Frey effectively recited a poem by Weidmann.
Neither the Schubert songs nor the work by Fesca were identified by the specified sources. The works are listed in the event details record in order of their description by the Bohemia review text.