Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Celkem shod: 172

Název Místo konání Datum
Concert given by pianist Augusta Kolárová Konvikt 22-03-1863
Benefit concert in aid of poor students of the Prague Higher Gymnasia Žofín Island 26-04-1863
Musical entertainment of Turkish music, opera and dance items given by ensemble of Infantry Regiment Archduke Sigismund Count Canal's Garden 20-05-1863
Musical entertainment of Turkish music, opera and dance items given by ensemble of Infantry Regiment Archduke Sigismund Count Canal's Garden 27-05-1863
First concert given by the brothers Franz and Karl Doppler, following performance of comedy play Die Hochzeitsreise Estates Theatre 03-06-1863
Second concert given by the brothers Franz and Karl Doppler, following performance of comedy play Geistige Liebe Estates Theatre 05-06-1863
Annual concert of Society for the Advancement of Military Music Žofín Island 20-06-1863
Benefit Musical-Dramatic Academy [Musikalisch-dramaischen Academie] given in aid of in aid of poor inhabitants of the Oře and Krkonoše Mountains New Town Theatre [Novoměstské divadlo] 30-06-1863
First rehearsal for concert given by Richard Wagner Žofín Island 04-11-1863
Concert given by Richard Wagner Žofín Island 05-11-1863
Second rehearsal for concert given by Richard Wagner Žofín Island 05-11-1863
Schiller Festival arranged by the German Singing Society Aëde Bohemia Restaurant on the Bastion 10-11-1863