Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Celkem shod: 172

Název Místo konání Datum
Concert given by pianist Miss Josefine Bondy Konvikt 16-11-1857
Orchestra-Production [Orchester-Produktion] of musical ensemble of Royal Infantry Regiment Archduke Ernst Žofín Island 28-11-1857
Festival musical entertainment given as part of celebration of the nameday of the Emperor Franz Joseph Podolí 04-10-1858
Concert given by pianist J. Teinzmannová née Hniličková Estates Theatre 16-12-1858
Second annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 19-12-1858
Third annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 03-02-1859
Concert arranged by Ignác Illner Žofín Island 13-03-1859
Benefit concert in aid of the Academic Readers Society Žofín Island 20-03-1859
Second annual Conservatory concert Estates Theatre 14-04-1859
‘Musical and declamatory Academy’ in aid of the Prague Seminary Institute for the Blind Žofín Island 16-04-1859
Sixth and last musical soirée ['Soirée musicale'] given by members of the Music Institute of Celestin Müller Music Institute of Celestin Müller 25-04-1859
Concert given by violinist Antonín Bennewitz [Benevic] Konvikt 28-04-1859
Benefit concert in aid of the Society of Catholic Apprentices Žofín Island 08-05-1859
Concert given by the Žofín Academy Žofín Island 19-05-1859
Annual practical examinations for pupils of the Žofín Academy Žofín Academy 28-07-1859
Annual practical music examinations of violinists in the higher classes of the Conservatory, and of vocalists of the Concert School and Opera School unspecified 30-07-1859
Annual practical examinations for pupils of the Music Institute of Petr Maydl [first day] Žofín Island 30-07-1859
First annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 20-11-1859
Vocal and instrumental concert arranged by František Škroup Žofín Island 27-11-1859
Benefit musical-declamatory Academy given in aid of the Reading Room for German Students Žofín Island 04-12-1859