Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Celkem shod: 172

Název Místo konání Datum
Concert given by the baritone singer Guglielmi Konvikt 26-10-1854
Second concert arranged by the Court Opera singer Guglielmi Žofín Island 03-11-1854
Concert given by the violinist Otto von Königslöw Konvikt 06-01-1855
Musical entertainment given in the Café Braithut Café Braithut 06-01-1857
Second annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 17-01-1857
Farewell concert given by the Ponta sisters Konvikt 07-03-1857
First annual Conservatory concert Konvikt 08-03-1857
Third annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 16-03-1857
Benefit concert in aid of the Academic Readers Society Žofín Island 21-03-1857
Concert given by violoncellist Julius Goltermann Konvikt 29-03-1857
Concert given by singer Elisabeth Matthias Konvikt 30-03-1857
Benefit concert in aid of free meals for students of the three Prague Gymnasia Žofín Island 01-04-1857
Third annual Conservatory concert Estates Theatre 02-04-1857
Second and final concert given by pianist Alexander Dreyschock Estates Theatre 04-04-1857
Concert given by singer Miss Bergauer Konvikt 16-04-1857
Farewell concert given by Miss Brenner Žofín Island 18-04-1857
Fourth annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 29-04-1857
Final song production [Gesangs-Produktion] given by the Tyrolese Singers [Tiroler Sänger] Pštroska Summer Theatre 01-06-1857
Performance in Pštroska Summer Theatre by Tyrolese travelling singer, actor and zither player Blumlacher Pštroska Summer Theatre 03-06-1857
Concert given by the Society for the Education of Military Music [Military Music Institute] Žofín Island 09-08-1857