Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Celkem shod: 172

Název Místo konání Datum
Concert given by the Žofín Academy Platýz 14-05-1851
Second concert given by the Prage Concert Orchestra [Prager Koncert-Orchesters] Platýz 16-06-1851
Annual practical music examinations for pupils of the Opera School of the Conservatory Estates Theatre 06-08-1851
Pastoral and National-Concert [Pastoral- und National-Koncert] given by the Pyrenean Mountain-singers Žofín Island 07-08-1851
Benefit concert given in aid of the foundation of an Institute for Small Children Apollo Hall 21-08-1851
First annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 29-11-1851
Concert given by Miss Fischer von Tiefensee [Fischerová z Tiefensee] Konvikt 29-01-1854
Third annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 09-03-1854
First annual Conservatory concert Konvikt 12-03-1854
Benefit concert in aid of the Institute for free meals for poor Prague law students Žofín Island 16-03-1854
Benefit musical academy in aid of the reorganized [Prague] Institute for the Poor Estates Theatre 25-03-1854
Benefit concert [Akademie] in aid of the [Prague] Seminary Institute for the Adult Blind Žofín Island 27-03-1854
Farewell concert given to mark the departure from Prague of the singer Miss Janda [Jandová] Konvikt 02-04-1854
Concert given by the violinist Köckert Konvikt 07-04-1854
Third and final Soirée musicale given by the Music Institute of J. Proksch [Prokš] Music Institute of Josef Proksch 08-04-1854
Third annual Conservatory concert Estates Theatre 09-04-1854
Fourth annual Cecilia Society concert Žofín Island 27-04-1854
Benefit concert given by Mr Stéger in aid of the Children's Hospital at St Lazarus Žofín Island 11-05-1854
Great festival entitled 'An Evening in Flora's Magic Garden [Ein Abend in Floras Zaubergarten]' Žofín Island 19-06-1854
Annual practical examinations for pupils of the Piano Institute of Celestin Müller and the Humanitarian Musical Society Žofín Island 22-07-1854