Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Celkem shod: 51

Název Místo konání Datum
'Beseda' dance entertainment given in aid of the Institute for Infants at Hrádek Žofín Island 22-05-1850
Musical trial for forthcoming charity ball arranged by Ullmann Konvikt 17-11-1850
Benefit beseda given in aid of poor children of the Týn Parish Konvikt 26-11-1850
Performance of new polkas submitted as entries to composition competition Konvikt 30-11-1850
Performance of new [polka-]françaises submitted as entries to composition competition Konvikt 07-12-1850
Performance of new waltzes submitted as entries to composition competition Konvikt 14-12-1850
'Christbaumsfest' [Christmas tree festival] for infants of the Society for the Well-being of Needy Children Žofín Island 24-12-1850
Musical trial for forthcoming benefit Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] on 2/2/1851 Žofín Island 26-12-1850
Society Ball [Gesellschaftsball] given for the benefit of the Prague Private Institute for the Education and Well-being of Poor Blind Children Žofín Island 02-02-1851
Benefit concert for the Children's Hospital at St Lazarus Žofín Island 26-04-1851
Celebrations to mark the birthday of the Emperor Franz Joseph Old Town Square 18-08-1851
Benefit concert given in aid of the foundation of an Institute for Small Children Apollo Hall 21-08-1851
'Christbaumsfest' [Christmas tree festival] for infants of the Society for the Well-being of Needy Children Žofín Island 24-12-1851
Musical trial for forthcoming Children's and Society Ball [Kinder- und Gesellschaftsball] of Mr Lenners on 25/1/1854 Žofín Island 01-01-1854
Society and Children's Ball of Prague dance teacher M. Ružička Žofín Island 05-02-1854
Religious service to celebrate the wedding of the Emperor Franz Joseph Cathedral church of St Vitus [sv Vít] 24-04-1854
Planting of a tree by pupils of the Podolí School to celebrate the marriage of the Emperor Franz Joseph Podolí 24-04-1854
Founding festival for Josefov High School [Gründungsfest der Josefstädter Hauptschule] Josefov High School 02-05-1854
Visit of the Emperor Franz Joseph to Karlín [Karolinenthal] unspecified great square in suburb of Karlín [Karolinenthal] 06-06-1854
Musical entertainment 'Brilliant Double-festival [Brillantes Doppel-Fest]' given by ensemble of the Royal 24th Rifles Battalion Hraba's Restaurant 03-09-1854