Prague Concert Life, 1850-1881

Event title:

Musical entertainment given in the Café and Eating house 'at the Blue Grapes [bei die blauen Weintraube]'

Venue: Café and Eating House 'at the Blue Grapes'

Event type: Popular social musical and dance events

Date: 24/04/1854

Programme unspecified:


Mercy’s Anzeiger 21/4/1854 published a notice headed ‘Music; afternoons or evenings’, followed by a list of coffee house and hotel venues giving musical entertainments on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. The advertisement was, however, incomplete probably due to limitations of space in the issue of the newspaper and was published in full on the following day, 22/4/1854 and on 28/4/1854, 29/3/1854 and 30/4/1854. The ‘Café and Eating house at the Blue Grapes’ on ‘Obstmarkt [Ovocný trh]’ was included in this list for Tuesdays and Saturday evenings. No further details of this event were given by the source.

These entertainments would presumably have taken place throughout the season stretching from Easter and throughout the summer. They are not included in subsequent weeks of the database as repeated records in 1854, except where a fresh source specifically records their taking place on a later date.  

Summary of sources:

Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (21/04/1854)
Mercy's Anzeiger für Böhmen (22/04/1854)